Zero is the standard

Our vision is to live peacefully in a ​diverse community of one family

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What is Hope 4 ​Johnstown

Co​mmunity Outreach

We reach out and stay in touch wi​th our High Risk individuals and yo​uth. Showing up and being th​ere at our schools to let the st​udents know we are here for th​em.


It takes a village to raise a child ​and we are here to be apart of ​that village. Nobody is perfect, ​and there is no manual on life. We ​understand that and am here to ​help navigate through it all.

Change in Community ​Norms

We educate people and give ​resources to help in changing ​their norms. We let everyone we ​run into know we are there for ​them an this violence can and will ​be stopped.

Who We Are

  • We are mothers, fathers, city officials ​and friends desiring to be the change ​we want to see in our communities.
  • We aim to bring together communities ​through the events we bring!

See what’s going ​on

More info ​coming soon!!

Teamwork ​Makes the ​Dream Work

Just like how we provide you with a solid support system, our community does the same for us. We are proud to partner with the following organizations:

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Interrupters are best ​reached through email

Quan Britt - Program Director

Kim Murray - Interrupter/Case Worker

Darrell Lewis - Interrupter

Ryan Durham - Interrupter

Jordan Jefferson - Interrupter

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